Contact Me

Telephone On Request

Personal Profile

I am a keen computer enthusiast who likes to learn new skills, including C# programming and HTML & CSS. I consider myself to be hardworking team player who is also able to work independently and completing own work to a high standard. I have had an interest in computers for about 30 years, during which I have fixed, built, and maintained my own, as well as friends' and family's, PC's. I have attended verious courses to further develop these skills and would be keen to undertake additional training if required.

Stuart John Evans-Braule

I still have a lot of work to do here, I would like to tidy up the main section so it looks neater, I also would like to change the colour theme so that its dark with some red.

Work Experience

JD Weatherspoon, The York Palace, Llanelli Cleaner
16/11/2015 - Present Duties include cleaning toilates, windows, and brass; hoovering, sweeping, and mopping the public areas of the establishment.
Stradey Arms Public house, Furnace, Llanelli Kitchen Assistant
21/12/2006 - 26/07/20015 Duties included Keeping kitchen clean, preparing food (e.g., salads, meats), working as part of a team, occasionally working independently, following food hygiene regulations, working to a strict deadline, keeping temperature records of fridge/freezers and cooked meats and following stock rotation rules.
Coopertive Group, Felinfoel, Llanelli Customer Service Assistant
2006 Duties included dealing with customers, till work, money handling, working to a deadline, stacking shelves, sorting the warehouse, using PayPoint and selling lottery Tickets.
Wilkinsons Hardware Store, Llanelli Customer Service Assistant
2002 - 2006 Duties included stacking shelves, sorting warehouse stock, working as part of a team and occasionally independently, working unsociable hours with late night/early morning deliveries.
ISE Pine Factory, Llanelli Sprayer/Packer
2000 - 2001 Duties included working as part of a team, following health and safety instructions, dealing with toxic chemicals, and lifting heavy furniture.
Stradey Park Hotel, Furnace, Llanelli Chef Assistant
1998 - 2000 Duties included cooking breakfasts, prepering food for lunch and dinner, following food hygiene regulations, working split shifts and unsociable hours, working as part of a team and often independently. During my employment I was awarded the Employee of the year 1999 - 2000 award from Corus and Regal Hotel Group.


Course Grade School/Collage
English GCSE C Coleg Sir Gar, Graig Campus, Llanelli
Science CofE A Coedcae Comprehencive, Llanelli
Maths CofE A Coedcae Comprehencive, Llanelli
History CofE C Coedcae Comprehencive, Llanelli
Design & Technology CofE C Coedcae Comprehencive, Llanelli

Higher Education

Course Name Course details Collage Date
IT Essentials: PC Hardware & Software - Comptia A+ Course consisted of implementing basic and physical software principles, upgrading on replacement components, assessinf customer needs, analysing possible configurations and provide solutions Coleg Sir Gar, Graig Campus, Llanelli 2010 - 2011
Course name Course details Coleg Sir Gar, Graig Campus, llanelli 2021 - 2022?

Additional Training

LRC Training, Llanelli

I attended a programe that provided relevent work experience algonside the following courses:

ETMA, Llanelli Rural Council Training, Llanelli

Achieved OCR Intergrated Business Technology (IBT2)

Work placement: duties included Reception, Switchboard, taking messages, staff and client liaison, Photocopying, Faxing, Document production, Filing, and general office duties.

While at ETMA training I did further work placement with
Foothold Crachan, Llanelli: Duties included Answering the Telephone, dealing with customers, Filing, Sorting incoming/outgoing mail, Photocopying, Delivering goods to customers, lifting heavy furnature, and all other general office duties.

Soft skills

Hard skills

Hobbies & Interests

Building Computers, upgrading computers, editing pictures/images, editing home movies, playing computer games, watching movies/TV Shows, walking, spending time with family, learning new computer related skills, I am currently learning HTML/CSS and making my own video game in C# & Unity3D.